Rolocut Construction Equipment

Top 3 Causes of Home Floods and How to Prevent Them

1. Storms and Heavy Rain: Storms and heavy rains can cause flooding by overwhelming drainage systems and overflowing rivers and streams. To prevent floods caused by storms and heavy rain, homeowners should ensure their property is not located in a flood plain and have a reliable drainage system in place. Additionally, they should consider installing a sump pump and check it periodically to make sure it is working properly.

2. Faulty or Clogged Gutters: Faulty or clogged gutters can lead to water pooling around the foundation of the home, which can eventually cause flooding. To prevent this, homeowners should ensure their gutters are in good repair and free of debris. Additionally, installing a rain diverter can help direct water away from the house.

3. Broken or Leaking Pipes: Broken or leaking water pipes can cause flooding if left unchecked. To prevent this, homeowners should check their pipes and fixtures regularly for any signs of damage or leakage. Additionally, they should consider installing a water shut-off valve in case of emergency.

Are you concerned your home is at risk for flooding or has had flood damage in the past? Contact Rolocut Construction today!